1. Symptom –
–>When you are trying to perform search on your SharePoint site on your sharepoint server, you are getting following error message:
No results matching your search were found.
Check your spelling. Are the words in your query spelled correctly?
Try using synonyms. Maybe what you’re looking for uses slightly different words.
Make your search more general. Try more general terms in place of specific ones.
Try your search in a different scope. Different scopes can have different results.
–>Windows SharePoint help search is working fine and it gave results when we searched for “SharePoint”
–>Unable to get results on the SharePoint site
2. Cause –
–>Issue due to windows Updates
3. Resolution –
–>We created a registry entry in the following location
–>Created a new DWORD key named “DisableLoopbackCheck” and modified the value to 1
–>We performed Full Crawl by the command
stsadm -o spsearch -action fullcrawlstart
–>We performed Search and it worked successfully