Monday, September 1, 2008

Activate Search Index Facility in WSS 3.0

WSS 3.0 has a basic search feature that will allow users to search for content.

This is a big difference that previous WSS 2.0 versions, which required WSS to be configured to run on SQL Server 2000, using its Full-Text Indexing engine. Another important change is that WSS 3.0 will search in subsites , while the previous version of WSS only searched in the current site.

  • Finds information of any type, stored in the current site, or a subsite.
  • Provides free-text searching in documents, files, and all list content.

The objects indexed by Full-Text Indexing are these:

  • List items: Such as individual names in a Contact list.
  • Documents: Documents of these types: .doc, .xls, .ppt, .txt, and .html.
  • Lists: Such as Announcements, and Events.

Activate Search Indexing in WSS:

  1. Log on as an administrator,
  2. Start SharePoint's Central Administrative tool. Switch to the Operations page, then click Services on Server.

3. Make sure that the correct Server is selected, and then start Windows SharePoint Services Search service, if it's not already started. Fill in this information in the Web form: When you create a new Web application, make sure to select a search server.

  1. When the process is done, all documents and lists are also indexed and ready to be searched within five minutes. Open any WSS team site, and use the search field at the top-right corner of the page. Type a text string that you know exists in any of the lists or inside any documents stored in this team site.

Note :

If WSS was installed using SQL Express, the Search service may not be listed. If this is the case, select All on the View menu on the toolbar.

  1. Service Account: Enter the service account and its password for the search service; be sure to include the domain name
  2. Content Access Account: Enter the default user account to be used by the search service when searching content sources. You can later configure other user accounts for specific content sources.
  3. Search Database: Enter the SQL server name, plus the Database Name for the index. Use the default database and name, if you don't have a good reason not to.
  4. Indexing Schedule: Enter how often the index process will run. The default is every five minutes.
  5. Click OK to save and close the page.